Yes, I know. Horribly crude. I might end up reworking this sometime. But I'll put it up here lest I lose it.
Hit the start button on the morning shower
A turbulent start to a turbulent day
Today though, I'm feeling lazy
Pull the plug on the schedule; fill up the tub
Imperfections, stress, broken promises
Swept under a glowing tranquil sheet
The ripples soothe, the tensions loosen
Ears throbbing; safe in the womb
Toy ducks, boats and action figures
Dinosaurs and bowls rich in nomenclature
Loch Ness, armadas, occasional maelstroms
The daring adventures of simpler days
Bottle the angst and pull the plug
The mirror is misted, can't see myself
Towel the rivulets from another time off
Back in the saddle, away we go
I have floated a long way in my little boat
Have struggled much to go my own way.
As time makes the futility of those battles clearer
Those moments of the journey turn ever dearer