Out beyond the ideas of right-doing or wrong-doing there is a field - I'll meet you there.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Light the lamp
Burn the moths

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Tears for my guru

To dig all the way into the Self-mountain
One needs the shovel of effort
The trowel of patience
And large buckets of sorrowful tears

As a child, I shed tears seeking my mother
"Why have you abandoned me?"

But they were impatient
And ran away too quickly
As did I

As a youth, I shed them seeking my lover
"Why have you abandoned me?"

This time they stayed long
And led me deep into darkness
And light

Now I shed them for a glimpse of my guru
This separation wounds me
Deeper, oh so much deeper!

So tears are always in plentiful supply

It would be saddening, this state of affairs
Were it not so delightfully amusing
It would be amusing, this state of affairs
Were it not so delightfully saddening

About Me

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I is a place-holder to prevent perpetual infinite regress. I is a marker on the road that ends in I not being.