Out beyond the ideas of right-doing or wrong-doing there is a field - I'll meet you there.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tales of horror and misery....

Hi all, I think one has to be an Electrical Engineering Undergraduate taking the Transmission Lines course to really feel this poem to the core. Yes, this is the story of how I waged my war against the terror of the parasitic capacitance and the impediments of impedance matching in E Slot last semester. Read and shudder...

A night of tribulation

Wandering in tortuous labyrinths
Of mathematical logic
Palpitating in dread of the morrow
Hiding in its folds, a paper dagger

Drooping lids, mind overdriven
Greedily, the waters of Lethe
Drain the dregs of my fading brain
The ticking clock contrives my doom

And yet stay, here lies a taste
Of Paradise, yet unsullied
As cheek and ear touch
The gentle, cool wood

Away, evil thoughts of vile grades
Avast, perfidious lunges of Ego
A prosaic Hamlet resolves his dilemma
Sweet nasal music permeates the air

1 comment:

Kirthi said...

Nice Poem.
Well, looks like the 1000 Watts have hit ur cerebrum.
I can partly empathize with ur feelings, having had skimmed through the surface of electrical subjects.
PS: It appears from your blog and from the last lines of this poem that you smoke a lot.

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